iHola todos! I hope you are enjoying your December!
Classes are in session!
I missed all your children in classes today. No one came.
I spent my time creating some resources for us.
I know December is crazy. Please join my remind groups so I can send you reminders and communication on the days of class. You can sign up for all that apply to you. I promise I won't spam you =)
Preschool Spanish at MobileSpanish https://www.remind.com/join/b4sp4
UnWritten Elementary at MobileSpanish https://www.remind.com/join/a334a2
Written Elementary at MobileSpanish https://www.remind.com/join/4hkabe
Middle School/High School at MobileSpanish https://www.remind.com/join/de68c8
Level 2 Beginner at MobileSpanish https://www.remind.com/join/e4466b
I wanted to show the children how Spanish-Speaking families from all over the world typically celebrate Christmas. There are some similarities and some differences. It's intriguing =) Don't miss out.
Please remember me in your giving: Paypal.me/MobileSpanish
I hope to see you all in class tomorrow.
Mrs. Joanna E Gomes, MSEd