Hello everyone! Thank you for a wonderful September. The attendance was much better in class this month and the students began embracing more Spanish conversational practice. Great job! My desire as your Spanish teacher, is that we enjoy using the Spanish that we learn in class. I can see that happening!! So exciting!
Please check out my newest on-demand class. It is the 3rd of 4o lessons that I will put up this school year. I will not have all of them on the website at the same time, as I am only allotted space for up to 5 hours of video. Please let me know if you watch the on-demand as I have no idea. Thank you.
I love teaching your families!! I don't want to quit teaching because parents cannot afford to pay tuition. So I have made all my lessons and resources free! However, I would be most happy if you would donate something for my time and effort, as you are able. You can remit that donation to PayPal.Me/MobileSpanish . Thank you that all who gave in September.
If you truly do not have any money, I only ask that you do something as a gift for someone else around you.
About the Adult classes....over the span of about a year, adult Spanish learners have not attended my Spanish classes, although several have said they would. As a result, I have opened that time up for Adult English Learners during that same time. If you wish to meet Spanish speakers, I invite you to come and help me teach English by participating in games. Lately we have been playing Jeopardy for English Learners: The US Citizenship test, because everyone, so far, knows a lot of English, but needs to feel confident by practicing English. It would be a great way for you to interact with Spanish Learners and practice while making the world a better place.
Do you have any questions or suggestions? I love communication.
You can reach me at joanna@mobilespanish.net
Or you can ask me anything on instant messenger.
Thank you for everything,
Mrs. Joanna E Gomes, MSEd